Multipurpose portable venue that will be traveling throughout Australia, hosting workshops and other creative pursuits.
Time sure flys by, Elouise and I have been busy packing, unpacking, sorting and posting out the rewards as well as working on the trailer. Not to mention planning tours to Canberra and Tasmania over May/June 2013 and the big unveiling of stage one of trailer at The Grassy Knoll Festival.
Elouise and I will be running a zine workshop for our beautiful friends at Transit Lounge Caboolture. It will be the first time the trailer is used to deliver a workshop and we couldn't be happier sharing the experience with Caboolture community. If last years festival was anything to judge it by, the day will be filled with talented bands, workshops and food from the Moreton Bay region.

Building the trailer! (in photos)
(L-R Jeremy Staples, Matias Chadwick & Nick Ovens ----------------------- Matias & Nick w/prototype ----------------------- T- B Test run, material & weight tests)
Since the early stages of the trailer idea and concept design, we had someone in mind, though as time progressed. It became apparant, this person had been head hunted to work on anther project and no longer had time to work on our trailer. After nurmous emails, calls and smoke signals. I contacted Gavin Bannerman, well know bicycle enthusist, co-organised of Brisbane's premie bicycle event, Pushies Galore as well as Home Festival supporter and collorabotour. After a few emails back and fowrard, he mentioned that he was meeting with Richard Butler, the other co-organisers of Pushies Galmore. Richard has a vast hiostroy of working with bicycles, bands and building road caces for the likes of Foo Fighters to The Veronicas. Since the initinal meeting with Richard, he's been busy soucres materials, making redesigns and equally excited about the project. As they say, the rest is history!
Who came up with this random concept??
Jeremy Staples
My work is all about creating spaces for community engagement and providing a platform for people to be heard and share their skills. I enjoy questioning, documenting, reading, writing and travel. I am passionate about inspiring people to think, and helping them along their own creative journeys. I offer hands-on, diverse workshops that creatively inspire, engage and grow each individual, while building and strengthening their local community, with little or no money. The theme that runs through all of my workshops is creating, doing and sharing in communities. By activating a creative culture within a town, those who seek creative opportunities have less reason to leave for the bright lights of a capital city. I see myself as a cultural 'seed planter', moving from town to town inspiring growth, sharing skills and stories. I share experiences I have collected, particularly those learnt growing up on the Darling Downs in the Queensland town of Toowoomba, Australia.
Elouise Quinlivan
Runs QLD based zine distro Smells Like Zines, makes zines and supports others to do so. Is currently studying Journalism and running all over the country to take part in music and arts festivals. Gearing up for the Regional VIC leg of the Bizoo Book tour launch, just coming down from This Is Not Art Fest (Newcastle), Bundaberg's Crush Festival and Melbourne's Fringe Festival.